Saturday, November 22, 2008

Money Saving & Energy Efficient Landscaping

We all love and enjoy a beautifully landscaped yard.  But how much are you spending to keep it green, lush and dramatically lit at night?  Does your landscaping aid in keeping your home cooler in the summer months? How would you like to cut your energy costs as much 30% or more each year? You have to consider energy efficient landscaping.

So how does one accomplish energy efficient landscaping? There are various things that can be considered in both existing and soon-to-be-developed landscapes.

What About the Sun?

One of the key considerations in energy efficient landscaping includes the various weather conditions that prevail in the area. This means taking into consideration where the sun shines and what path the sunlight takes. A house's walls and foundations, when hit directly by the sun, will absorb almost 90% of the sun's heat, thereby increasing the burden on the air-conditioning or cooling system to keep the house cool.

Plant large, deciduous trees and evergreens on the south-west side of your home this will create a natural shade landscaping design and a wall of protection from the sun's pounding rays.  The deciduous trees will lose their leaves in the winter allowing the sun's warming rays to heat your home.

These deciduous trees lose their foliage over the winter and will give you access more of the sun's heat in the winter when your home's walls and foundations need the heat.

Break the Wind

A cold winter wind seeping into the home can rapidly cause a temperature drop.  This will also be reflected in your next energy bill.

There are several types evergreens and other trees as well, that can act as excellent wind breaks.  A sturdy fence, sturdily set in place, can also help stop the wind.

Keeping Your Home Cool or Warm

One of the most important ways comfortable home temperatures can be achieved is by making sure the attic, walls, windows and doors are properly insulated.  Having double pained windows and gaskets around openings such as vents can also help. By keeping up on home maintenance this will help decrease the possibility of giving away valuable warm or cool air.

The best way to achieve this is by planting shrubbery around the home's foundations. This creates a dead air barrier, keeping the heat and cool inside the home where it matters. Experts have suggested widening the distance between the shrubbery and the house's walls in order to increase this area for dead air.

A properly maintained and landscaped home cannot only be attractive but practical.  You will saving hundreds of dollars each year by making energy efficient landscaping a priority.

To get more info on landscaping go to Landscape Designs for Aroma Gardens


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