Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bean Plant Growth Cycle

Bean Plant Growth Video

If you are planning a garden, knowing the full cycle of bean plant growth can enable you to maximize the bean growing season, optimizing the volume of crop you get for the effort that you invest in. All types of beans, ranging from the black eyed pea to chick peas, are a solid addition to any diet. High in protein, the bean is one of the base parts in a vegetarian's diet, as well as an great side dish for those with a preference for meat.

If you are investing in a bean garden, the first stage of bean plant growth is the seed. High quality seeds have a much higher probability of the plant taking root, which will result in a higher yield in your garden. While these seeds may be a bit more expensive, the total increase of bean plant growth is worth the effort, especially if you intend on having a larger garden.

To ensure plant health, planting should be done when the temperature drops no lower than 61 degrees F or 16 degrees C. If the temperature falls below this level, your plants will not germinate, and may die.

After sowing your seeds, the time it takes for the plant to reach the seedling stage ranges from three to approximately forty days, with the median being eleven days. A seedling is a very young plant that has just started to crack the top of the soil. This part of the bean plant growth cycle is vital, as a healthy seedling will mature into a more productive plant. If your crops are planted too early, your crops will be unhealthy and the amount of beans gained later in the cycle will be smaller.

From the point that your crop has matured into a seedling,it requires an average of at least fifty days for your plant to create pods and be ripe for harvest. This means that there is realistically only one grow cycle for beans in a season. Planting of beans should happen no earlier than March to ensure that your crops have had adequate time to grow during the season before fall frosts strike. Frost can seriously harm bean plant growth, and work should be done to avoid this. In colder environments, this can be tricky, as the time required for bean plant growth is linked to when frosts end and begin.

The bean plant is an annual plant, which means that it can regrow itself for at least three growing seasons. However, many gardeners will completely till the soil, killing the old bean plants and planting new each season to ensure that the bean plant growth cycle avoids frost from harming their crops.


More ideas on outdoor decoration can be found here Plant Encyclopedia also visit Common Plant Names

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Versatile Bamboo Plants

Bamboo Plant Video

Bamboo plants are among the world's most useful and versatile plant. Unlike trees, bamboo grows at an amazing rate of up to 2 inches per hour. This makes it the world's quickest growing plant. There are several instances, the bamboo plant can grow up to 4 meters in a day.

Unlike many would believe, bamboo plants are not trees. In fact, they are evergreen grasses. These grasses are divided into 91 unique genera, with over 1,000 species currently known. As different species can be used for different things, this variety works to ensure the lasting survival of this plant.

This amazing growing rate makes bamboo plants priceless in eastern regions such as India, China and Japan. As the bamboo plants can be used as food, wood and fuel, the fast growing rate makes this renewable resource a cornerstone of those societies. As bamboo, when properly treated, can be extremely durable and long lasting, it provides an easy solution to many problems.

One of the well known uses of bamboo plants is their cultivation as wood. In construction, bamboo can create imposing, secure scaffoldings, provide a base wood over slower growing trees, and provide ornamental value to both the interior and exterior of a house. Other uses of bamboo material include tools such as durable cutting boards, chop sticks, tables and other pieces of furniture as well as pieces for well known games such as go.

When bamboo plants are young, the shoots can be consumed from many different varieties. However, not all types of bamboo shoots should be consumed. For instance, the giant bamboo contains cyanide within the shoots. Cyanide can be lethal to people.

Many types of animals survive by eating bamboo. Most notably is the panda, which only consumes bamboo stalks and leaves.

Even with all of modern uses of bamboo, bamboo plants do not come without problems. Still unknown why, bamboo plants, tend to have mass blooming and fruiting seasons. This is most notable in the Bay of Bengal, where the bamboo plants bloom once every 30 to 35 years. This mass blooming and fruiting cases dire consequences to human populations surrounding the bloom. As the fruit falls to the ground, rats swarm. As the rats swarm, they carry disease with them and cause famine. This can lead to many human deaths, as there is little that can be done to stop the fruiting once it has begun. There is not much that can be done, as~As the bamboo populations require the fruiting season for survival, they cannot be simply destroyed to prevent the rat swarms.

Bamboo is a flexible plant and can thrive in many areas across the globe. They are most commonly found in East Asia, although they can grow in sub-Saharan Africa, North and South America. Bamboo does not survive in Europe, North Africa, western Asia, Canada and Antarctica.


Get more ideas on landscaping and plants visit Indoor Tropical Plants and go to Desert Plants


Monday, December 29, 2008

Help Your Lawn Breathe By Giving It Air

Water, nutrients, and air are critical to the health of the root systems of your grass. In highly compacted soil, however, they can have a hard time getting to the roots. Likewise, thatching is another typical lawn problem that can possibly end up choking the life out of your grass. If either of these circumstances persist, the oxygen and moisture will gradually get forced out of the soil. The plants and grasses in your garden will become increasingly frailer as they begin to starve and eventually they will whither and die.

Even in the best of circumstances, with you giving your lawn the best care, it's inevitable that at some point in time your lawn will become more compacted. yards are constantly trampled on by people, animals, equipment, and so on. Over the years, unless something is done, naturally the soil will become more compacted and hard.

You have two main options open to you, if you want to improve the situation. As part of your fall lawncare, you can till the lawn which, even in a small lawn, will probably be a big job. Alternatively, you can utilize a lawn aerator to make enough air pockets in your soil that will allow nutrients to reach the grass and plant roots.

Core aeration is an intensive method of breaking up and creating air pockets your soil. It makes deep, finger sized holes in your turf, in the process breaking through the thatching and breaking up the soil. Core aeration is one of the most natural and beneficial things you can do for your lawn to give it additional air space and ensure that it remains healthy.

If you have a small yard, then a manual aerator will do just fine. Or, if you also want to get a good physical workout, you can invest in a pair of yard aerator sandals. These are simply sandals with spikes on the bottom so that as you walk around your yard or garden, you simultaneously poke holes in it. Of, if you don't want to do it yourself, get a pair for your children. They'll love it. But any spiky type of shoes will do - even spiked golf shoes.

However, if you have a large yard, you might seriously look at taking a visit to your local garden center and either renting or buying an engine powered aerator.

But, buying or renting a garden aerator is not your sole choice. Many lawn care services already have aeration equipment and will be more than happy to provide this service for you. In fact, core lawn aeration is becoming so popular that many lawn care services offer it as a regular part of their maintenance plans. If the price is right, you may get more value for your money by going this route. Simply check with your neighbors and local garden equipment supply shop for references.

Companies that provide lawn care products are not standing still either. For the really lazy gardener, and in what sounds too good to be true, some companies have come up with spray-on lawn products that they claim will aerate and dethatch your lawn with no physical effort on your part what so ever.

Whichever route you end up taking, realize that periodically giving your lawn a good airing out, will not only improve its appearance but will help to keep it healthy for years to come.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Medicinal Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe Vera Plant Video


Used by hundreds of people globally, the aloe vera plant is frequently used in many households across the world. Unlike some species of plants, the aloe vera plant no longer grows in the wild. It is currently only known to live in captivity or cultivated by people for domestic use. This alone makes the aloe vera different biology.

The Aloe vera plant is believed to have many properties, ranging from the soothing of burns, the promotion of faster healing to the treatment of diabetes. As the stalks include several medical compounds, including acetylated mannans, polymannans, anthraquinone C-glycosides, anthrones and anthraquinones and lectins, aloe is to be added to a wide range of products to entice users to buy them.

The aloe vera plant is a succulent plant, which thrives in zones 8-10. It is suitable as an ornamental plant for low-water gardens, as well as indoors. Aloe does not tolerate snow or frost, dying under such conditions. For those wanting to tend to aloe vera plants in cold conditions, it must be kept indoors or in a greenhouse to prevent frost from killing it. Being a succulent, the aloe vera plant resembles cacti and other common desert plants. As it is suited for warm climates, over watering is the most common killer of this plant. As the aloe vera plant should only be fed when its soil is dry, it is one of the easiest plants to tend. The soil used for potted aloe vera should be compatible with good drainage, as too much sitting water will cause root rot.

When grown at home, most uses of the aloe vera plant revolve around the treatment for burns and cuts. There are conflicting studies on how aloe vera affects the rate of healing. There are some indicators that the rate of healing may be dependent on the type and depth of the cut, and how it is bandaged.In some data, cure rate is slowed from aloe vera. Aloe vera may also be digested as a general cure.

Despite the lack of scientific proof on the increased healing and other properties of aloe vera, it has gained a good reputation by the average person, granting the aloe vera plant a place in shampoos, lotions, soaps and a wide range of cosmetics. However, the gains garnered from the presence of aloe in these products is based on belief, not on scientific evidence.

The aloe vera plant is believed to have once come from in Africa, with relatives of the aloe vera plant still living to date. There are references to aloe in the bible, which makes it one of the oldest documented species of plants known.


Find additional information on outdoor landscaping and plants visit Bean Plant Growth as well as here Flowering Plant Identification

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Earthworms and How They Help Your Lawn

If you no longer want to douse your lawn with harmful chemicals in an effort to better the qualify of your lawn, perhaps you should have a look at one of nature's oldest and most reliable earth conditioners - earthworms.

Earthworms have been on the planet for centuries and act as a natural control to other lawn pests and micro-organisms. Not only are they good for the soil, but their very presence indicates that the soil is healthy. If you find no earthworms in your soil, you literally may not have healthy soil.

Earthworms also help to aerate your soil which is important to the root systems of plants. If your soil is too dense, water and nutrients will have trouble reaching the root systems of your grass or other plants and will lead to them starving or traveling to the surface, which is not good. Aeration has a plethora of benefits to the soil. It helps to reduce and eliminate thatching. It reduces water runoff and improves soil drainage. Aeration helps to loosen compacted soil, especially soil that has a heavy percentage of clay, allowing the soil to "breathe."

It's unlikely that you'll see earthworms during the day. They hate the daylight, probably from eons of experience being eaten by early morning birds. They love the dark and that is where you'll most likely find them on the surface. They also seek the surface after long periods of rain where they may come to the surface for air.

If you want to drive all the earthworms to your neighbor's lawn, then use a chemical fertilizer that has a high percentage of nitrogen. Large amounts of nitrogen tend to make the soil acidic which earthworms do not like. If the soil becomes too acidic, your friendly earthworms will seek greener pastures elsewhere.

if you are into diy lawncare (i.e., you do your own lawn work) and you want to help your earthworm friends, leave your lawn clippings on the lawn when you cut it. The grass clippings contain natural levels of nitrogen, which is good for the soil. In addition, lawn clippings are a good source of food for earthworms.

Many chemical fertilizers have trifluralin as an active ingredient. Trifluralin is a suspected carcinogen which the EPA put under special review in the early eighties because of the presence of a contaminant that had been shown to cause tumors in animals. If you use chemical fertilizers on your soil, you are possibly putting the health of your lawn's earthworms in danger.

Eliminating poisons has other benefits as well. Domesticated dogs and cats often chew on grass, dandelions, and other plants in the garden. If the lawn and plants have been treated with pesticides, your pets are also eating pesticides. In the best case, they will not be harmed. But depending on the levels of pesticides used, they could end up with an upset stomach or worse, they could be seriously poisoned. The same applies to your kids if they play on the lawn and put things in their mouth as young kids will often do.

With these this in mind, even though the use of chemical fertilizers is often a much easier way of keeping your lawn looking good, you have ask yourself if it's worth it. If, however, you are willing to try natural means of lawn care, you may find that the lowly earthworm is your lawn's new best friend.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Enhance Your Homes Curb Appeal With Tips for the Lawn

Just about everyone knows what "curb appeal" is and why it is important. It is the very first impression that a person gets as they pull up to your house. It just takes a split second for someone to evaluate your home and decide a number of things about you, before they even set foot on your property. One of the most important ways that you can give your home a boost and improve its curb appeal is by nurturing the lawn and making sure it is well tended and carefully manicured.

While that can sound easy enough, sometimes getting the back and front lawn to look beautiful, immaculate and attractive can be a daunting task, especially if there have been some problems with the health of your lawn recently. Below is a collection of lawn care tips and suggestions that can help you cultivate a lawn that draws people to your home, welcomes them, and gives your curb appeal a real boost.

Tip One: Learn about the condition of the lawn soil. It is easy to get the soil tested. Just contact the agriculture extension agency in your town. This simple test will be able to quickly identify the components of your soil and will report anything that is lacking so you can remedy the problem.

Tip Two: Have a regular lawn maintenance routine that includes fertilizing three to five times every year. Make sure this is done on a regular schedule and is the right kind of food for the grass in your garden lawn. The extension agency can also help you with information in this regard as it relates to your local area.

Tip Three: When undertaking lawn mowing during the heat of the summer, cut it at the maximum height your lawn mower allows. This helps keep the grass from drying out as fast and even provides shade to the ground which helps prevent the loss of moisture. This will help conserve water and it will also help the lawns to crowd the weeds out. During the cooler and wetter times of the year you can set the lawn mower to cut lower according to your preferences.

Tip Four: Water about one to one-and-a-half inches once a week. When you water briefly every day, you are encouraging your lawn to develop a shallow root system. Watering only once a week helps develop nice deep roots which can better withstand hot, dry summer weather.

Tip Five: Aerate at least once or twice every year. This also helps promote lawns with deep root systems and helps the water and lawn food to get past the surface and down to the roots where it does the most good. Aerating also helps undo the effects of soil compacting, which is a particular problem if you use a riding lawn mower to help with your lawn maintenance.

Tip Six: Keep the blades of the mower good and sharp. Dull blades actually rip the ends of the grass blades and cause a ragged look and contribute to browning at the ends. Also, you should do your lawn mowing in different directions each time you mow. This helps avoid ruts and soil compaction problems.

Tip Seven: Watch for signs of dead areas. Such dead patches can be an indication of an insect problem or disease that is attacking your home and garden lawns. When you see this, you should not treat the problem until you know the cause. Your local extension agency will be a great help in this case also.

Tip Eight: Control weeds with the use of quality herbicides. You can do this separately or look for a fertilizer that also contains weed control components.

These simple tips should give you a good starting place from which to improve the health, vitality and appearance of the lawn that is the introduction to your home. With careful lawn maintenance you will enjoy great curb appeal and you will also be able to use and enjoy your yard more fully.

No realestate is finished without some type of grass, as well as some forms of shruberry to help enhance the overall quality of the building. The enhanced curb appeal as well as the added value can make the final difference when selling a home or adding to the over all value of the house. Any little bit helps and you do not always need a professional to do the landscaping for you. It never hurts to have some professional advice or a little bit of knowledge before you start ripping up your front yard, though. A few trees, some nice green grass and you will have it down pat before you know it. Who knows? Possibly you will decide it as a career that you might be curious in pursuing. Below there are some basic frequently asked questions of landscaping so that you can get some idea of how landscaping is completed and how it might be simpler than you may think.


What is landscaping?

Landscaping is any alteration to the land. It can be done through a variety of methods. It might be through the utilization of plant life. It might be through the application of fauna. There are different methods of landscaping and the forms of landscaping used frequently are dependent on what type of climate the area is located. Landscaping also refers to natural structures and manmade structures such as terraces, decks, platforms and seating areas. Ponds and waterfalls can be natural or manmade depending on the terrain. So that you can save money numerous people elect to capitalize on as many of the natural features of the area as possible.


Perennials and annuals - What makes them different?

Both are, of course, plants but the variation is in how long they last and how often you need to plant them again. Annuals need to be replanted eash year. Examples of annuals are any kind of vegetable, sunflowers and flowers such as violets. Perennials are plants that will renew themselves. They include trees, bulb plants such as lilies, tulips and include roses as well as other sturdy plants that go dormant during the winter months. The majority of grasses which are ornamental are considered to be perennials.


How do I decide which type to plant?

The kind of plant you select will depend on your environmental condition and the amount of water you want to use. It will also depend on how much sun that your gets during the day. Some plants flourush in the shade while others will wilt. For those individuals who live in areas that are prone to drought, they should think about planting hardy plants that require little water and really help to preserve the soil from erosion. Many people elect to have rock gardens as well as cactus if they happen to live in desert climates.


When is the ideal planting season?

The ideal planting season depends on what kind of plant you wish to grow. The best time to plany bulbs is in the fall so that they have the necessary time to root within the soil. Other types of plants are best suited to planting during the spring months. Some plants will not produce flowers or fruits until one or two seasons later so you need to get ready for this. Trees will need to go through several years prior to them becoming substantial enough to furnish enough shade or create fruit.


Will do this type of landscaping add to the value of my home as well as it's curb appeal?

A great lawn can add tremendous curb appeal and value to your home. It will make the features of your home stand out and if you are looking to sell your home, it is one of the first details that potential buyers will notice. There is nothing quite like a well manicured lawn and carefully trimmed hedges that add immense immediate value to a property.

For additional helpful knowledge click here Landscape Edging also Landscape Drainage and go to Natural Landscape Design

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Individualize The Landscape For Your Family To Enjoy

If it has come time to do a serious overhaul of the landscape design for your property, then you should move forward with the understanding that there is no one who is better equipped than you to formulate the plan. Because it is your home and garden that will be embellished by the landscaping design plan, you and your family know what kind of areas and features should be incorporated so that you will all get the most use and enjoyment from the changes.

If you are planning to improve the landscaping around your home, then the best thing you can do is gather everyone around who enjoys using the lawns and the gardens and have a brainstorming session. Have everyone feel free to throw out their ideas no matter how off-the-wall or unrealistic they may seem. Sometimes those "out there" ideas are the ones that will inspire the whole direction of the landscaping design project.

Getting the landscape plans off to a start with this kind of brainstorming session will end up yielding some innovative and insightful ways for the whole family to enjoy the outdoor spaces together. Soon you will have a new landscaping plan that will add beauty to your property and provide for function and fun for the family as well.

Of course, there are always situations when it is difficult for a family, especially one that has members with strong opinions, to come to an agreement about the best way to approach the project. In these kinds of cases you can always look to professionals to help finalize your ideas. Landscape architects and landscape contractors can provide wonderful resources, helpful and creative ideas for your landscaping concept, and can often help families find compromising solutions, if there's a disagreement over the plans for the garden or yard.

But, even if you end up needing to call on the services of a professional to help with the landscaping overhaul of your home and garden, your brainstorming session will not be time wasted. Often the ideas that are generated will be a good springboard for the professional landscaper or contractor. And, the suggestions that come up will help the professional designer to get a good sense of what is most important to the family, with regard to the overall use and design of their garden landscaping.

When they are given the opportunity, everyone in the family can usually come up with some ideas and insights that will help to make the landscape plan for your home and garden really special. In the end, you will have beautiful landscaping that is the result of a cooperative effort and everyone feels great for their own contribution. This also results in everyone feeling pride in the end result and a sense of ownership in the project.

No building is complete without some grass, a few plants and some shrubbery to help enhance the quality of the building. The enhanced curb appeal as well as the added value can make the final difference when selling a home or adding to the over all value of the house. Any small amounts help and you don't have to always use a professional to complete the landscaping for you. It never hurts to have some professional advice or a little bit of knowledge before you start ripping up your front yard, though. Some trees, some pleasant green grass, and you will get it down pat before you know it Who knows? Maybe you will consider it as a career that you may be curious in following. The following are some of the frequently asked question people have for landscaping so that you can have an idea of how landscaping is done and how it can be easier than you might think.


What exactly makes up landscaping?

Any type of alteration of the land is known as Landscaping. It can be done through a variety of methods. It may be through the utilization of flora. It might be through the use of fauna. There are different methods of landscaping and the types of landscaping used often are dependent on what kind of climate the area is situated. Landscaping also refers to natural structures and manmade structures such as terraces, decks, platforms and seating areas. Ponds and waterfalls can be natural or manmade depending on the terrain. So that you can save money numerous individuals choose to capitalize on as many of the natural features of the area as possible.


If I decide to do the landscaping of my house myself, what are the various designs and ideas to help me?

There are numerous software programs that are on the market at present that can help you design your very own landscape. You will have to insert the shape of your yard and then choose from the type of terrain and climate you live in. The software can give you recommended plants and shrubbery that is best matched for your yard. If you want terrains that are man made or structures, you will wish to contact a carpenter for thoughts or a do-it-yourself website for instructions.


How do I decide which type to plant?

The type of plant you choose will be dependent on your environmental condition and how much you want to water. It will also depend on the amount of sun your yard gets during the day. Some plants flourush in the shade when others will wilt. For those individuals who live in drought prone areas, they should consider planting plants that are hardy that require little water and actually help conserve the soil from eroding. Numerous individuals elect to have rock gardens and cactus if they live in desert environments.


At what time is the ideal season for planting?

The ideal planting season is dependent upon what type of plant you wish to grow. Bulbs are best planted in the fall so that they have time to root within the soil. Other plants are best suited to planting in the months of the spring. There are some plants will not produce flowers or fruits until one or two seasons later so you have to get ready for this. Trees will need to go through several years prior to them becoming substantial enough to give adequate shade or to produce fruit.


What will be the cost be to have my home landscaped?


It would be virtually impossible to get an accurate estimate without knowing how big your yard is, what the overall condition of the soil is and finally what kind of plants that you are looking to plant in your yard. You can take a general guess that it will be at least five hundred dollars and can quickly run upwards of several thousand dollars for plants that are exotic and intricate features. A landscaper can give you an estimate for the cost.

To learn extra informative knowledge go here Solar Landscape Lighting similarly How To Landscape also head on over to Removing Cactus From Landscaping

Maintaining Your Lawn Garden

When it comes to making sure that the landscape around your home stays in top condition, one of the key items to take care of is the lawn garden area. It is important that proper maintenance is done to keep the back and front lawn, and the garden healthy and looking good because in most cases, the lawn is the largest and most visible aspect of a property.

Watering the lawn and garden is one of the most important parts of good lawn maintenance. In some parts of the country, there is enough rainfall so that the roots are properly supplied with moisture. But even in what would be considered soggy areas, such as the Pacific Northwest, there are periods or dry weather and no rain. When this happens, it is vital to the survival of the lawns that they be properly watered.

The first sign of an impending drought condition of the lawn garden area of your landscaping is a change in color. The grass in lawns that are suffering from insufficient moisture will start to lose their intense greenness and will soon turn to a straw color, or even brown if the lack of moisture persists.

The best time of day to water a lawn or garden is during the coolest part of the day. This means that turning on the lawn sprinkler early in the morning or in the evening after the sun has set is best. Garden lawn experts also say that the rotary sprinklers provide the best coverage if you don't have a built in sprinkler system for your lawn maintenance.

In most cases, it is best to water your lawn just once a week, unless the weather is extremely hot or dry. When doing your weekly watering, you can place an empty tuna can on the grass and let the water run until it is filled up. This will help you know when you have watered enough to give the deep roots enough moisture without over watering. Watering in this way will also help your lawns develop a deep root system which will also help them survive periods of drought.

Another aspect of lawn and garden maintenance is proper fertilization and weed control. Good basic maintenance techniques will go a long way in keeping the lawns of your home and garden healthy, thriving and with few weeds. Spring is the best time to fertilize lawns as this is when the grass is "waking up" and will need the extra nutrients from the fertilizer to assure healthy growth. The best garden lawn fertilizers will have a combination of nitrogen, phosphates and potash.

In addition to a "spring feeding" of your lawn garden, you can also boost the health and vitality of the grass in your lawns with a second round of fertilization during the summer. This will help assure that your grass is healthy enough to help push out the weeds that might try to take root and you can also use a fertilizer that combines a weed-killer to control these unwanted plants.

No realestate is finished without some type of grass, as well as some forms of shruberry to help enhance the overall quality of the building. The enhanced curb appeal as well as the added value can make the final difference when selling a home or adding to the over all value of the house. Any little bit helps and you do not always need a professional to do the landscaping for you. There is no downside to get some advice from professionals or some knowledge prior to you beginning tearing up your front yard. A few trees, some nice green grass and you will have it down pat before you know it. Who knows? Maybe you will consider it as a career that you may be curious in pursuing. Below there are some basic frequently asked questions of landscaping so that you can get some idea of how landscaping is completed and how it might be simpler than you may think.


What exactly makes up landscaping?

Any type of alteration of the land is known as Landscaping. It can be done through a variety of methods. It may be through the utilization of flora. It might be through the use of fauna. There are different techniques of landscaping and the kinds of landscaping applied many times are dependent on what type of climate the area is located. Landscaping also refers to natural structures and manmade structures such as terraces, decks, platforms and seating areas. Ponds and waterfalls can be natural or manmade depending on the terrain. So that you can save money numerous individuals choose to take advantage of as many of the natural features of the area as possible.

What is the difference between annuals and perennials?

Both are, of course, plants although the difference is in how long they last and how frequently you are required to replant them. Annuals must be replanted every year. Examples of annuals are any type of vegetable, sunflowers and flowers such as violets. Perennials are plants that will regenerate themselves. They include trees, bulb plants such as lilies, tulips and include roses as well as other sturdy plants that go dormant in the winter months. The majority of grasses which are ornamental are thought to be perennials.

Whats the best way to decide on the kind of plant to use?

The type of plant you select will be dependent on your climate and the amount of water you want to use. It will also depend on the amount of sun your yard receives throughout the day. Some plants thrive in the shade when others will wilt. For those individuals who reside in drought prone areas, they should consider planting plants that are hardy which need little water and really help preserve the soil from erosion. Many individuals elect to have rock gardens as well as cactus if they happen to live in desert environments.

When is the ideal planting season?

The ideal planting season depends on what variation of plant you wish to grow. Bulbs are best planted in the fall so that they have the necessary time to root. Other plants are more suitable to planting in the months of the spring. There are some plants will not produce flowers or fruits for one or two seasons later so you have to prepare for this. Trees will have to work through several years prior to them becoming big enough to give the right amount of shade or produce fruit.

Will do this type of landscaping add to the value of my home as well as it's curb appeal?

A well designed and a great looking lawn can provide excellent curb appeal as well as higher value to your home. It will make the features of your home stand out and if you are looking to sell your home, it is one of the first details that potential buyers will notice. For adding a high degree of instant value to your home there isn't anything comparable to a well maintained lawn that is carefully maintained.

To learn more click here Landscape Plans with more helpful material at Landscape Fountains also click here Landscaping With Rocks

Monday, December 15, 2008

Caring For Your Lawn Garden

When people drive up to someone's home, the first thing almost everyone's eye is drawn to is the lawn garden and how well it is being maintained. There is just nothing more beautiful than perfectly manicured lawns. However, if they are not in good shape and are not well maintained, then it can reflect badly on the rest of the landscape design and on the homeowner as well.

Watering the lawn and garden is one of the most important parts of good lawn maintenance. In some parts of the country, there is enough rainfall so that the roots are properly supplied with moisture. But even in what would be considered soggy areas, such as the Pacific Northwest, there are periods or dry weather and no rain. When this happens, it is vital to the survival of the lawns that they be properly watered.

The early sign of your lawn garden having a drought condition is when the grass starts to show some subtle changes in color. At first, you might notice the color shifting from a deep green to a lighter green. As the problem worsens, the grass can start to even take on a straw color and eventually will turn brown if the moisture problem is not corrected.

The best time of day to water a lawn or garden is during the coolest part of the day. This means that turning on the lawn sprinkler early in the morning or in the evening after the sun has set is best. Garden lawn experts also say that the rotary sprinklers provide the best coverage if you don't have a built in sprinkler system for your lawn maintenance.

In most cases, it is best to water your lawn just once a week, unless the weather is extremely hot or dry. When doing your weekly watering, you can place an empty tuna can on the grass and let the water run until it is filled up. This will help you know when you have watered enough to give the deep roots enough moisture without over watering. Watering in this way will also help your lawns develop a deep root system which will also help them survive periods of drought.

Another aspect of lawn and garden maintenance is proper fertilization and weed control. Good basic maintenance techniques will go a long way in keeping the lawns of your home and garden healthy, thriving and with few weeds. Spring is the best time to fertilize lawns as this is when the grass is "waking up" and will need the extra nutrients from the fertilizer to assure healthy growth. The best garden lawn fertilizers will have a combination of nitrogen, phosphates and potash.

In addition to a "spring feeding" of your lawn garden, you can also boost the health and vitality of the grass in your lawns with a second round of fertilization during the summer. This will help assure that your grass is healthy enough to help push out the weeds that might try to take root and you can also use a fertilizer that combines a weed-killer to control these unwanted plants.

No building is complete without some grass, a few plants and some shrubbery to help enhance the quality of the building. The enhanced curb appeal as well as the added value can make the final difference when selling a home or adding to the over all value of the house. Any little bit helps and you do not always need a professional to do the landscaping for you. There is no downside to get some advice from professionals or some knowledge prior to you beginning tearing up your front yard. Some trees, some pleasant green grass, and you will get it down pat before you know it Who knows? Possibly you will decide it as a career that you might be interested in following. Below there are some basic frequently asked questions of landscaping so that you can get some idea of how landscaping is completed and how it might be simpler than you may think.


Is it possible to do my own landscaping?

Yes, you can do your own landscaping if you have a little information on how to do it and if set aside the time to do so. You will be getting your hands dirty. Plus you will need to have knowledge of what plants are the best for your terrain. If you are producing man-made structures for instance ponds or decks, you will have to have some carpentry and plumbing skills. You will also need to know how to maintain the pond since one of the last things you need after putting in all that work is to develop a body of water topped off with algae as well as moquito larvae.


What credentials should I look for in a good landscaper?

An established landscaper will have a photography album of all the various landscape that he or she has completed. The typically will have a background with an education in landscape architecture or have a great deal of real world education in landscaping. If you want to see an actual landscape that they have designed as well as planted, the landscaper shouldn't balk at demonstrating for you or furnishing for you with the particulars to contact the owner of the property. It is in their best interest to have content and pleased clients.


Whats the best way to decide on the kind of plant to use?

The kind of plant you select will be contingent upon on your climate and the amount of water you want to use. It will also depend on the amount of sun that your receives during the day. Some plants thrive in the shade while others will wilt. For those people who live in areas that are prone to drought, they should consider planting plants that are hardy that require small amounts of water and really help to conserve the soil from process of erosion. Many individuals elect to have rock gardens and cactus if they live in desert environments.


At what time is the ideal season for planting?

The ideal planting season depends on what variation of plant you want to grow. The best time to plany bulbs is in the fall so that they have time to root. Other plants are more suitable to planting during the spring months. Some plants will not produce flowers or fruits for at least one or two seasons later so you have to prepare for this. Trees will have to work through several years prior to them becoming big enough to furnish enough shade or to produce fruit.


Will do this type of landscaping add to the value of my home as well as it's curb appeal?

A great lawn can add tremendous curb appeal and value to your home. It will make the features of your home stand out and if you are looking to sell your home, it is one of the first details that potential buyers will notice. There is nothing quite like a well manicured lawn and carefully trimmed hedges that add immense immediate value to a property.

To find out more head on over to Commercial Landscaping Contractor also Landscape Designer and certainly try Landscape Plants

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Getting The Best Spring Beauty For Your Lawn With Winter Lawn Care

One of the best tips for making sure that your lawn is lush and beautiful when springtime arrives is to be sure that it receives the proper lawn care during the winter months. Many people are simply not aware of how lawns need to be cared for during the time when things seem dormant. Here are some suggestions that will help keep the lawn healthy, even if it's buried under a foot of snow.

If you do live in an area where you have regular snowfalls, then you will want to be sure that your strategy includes making sure that all areas of the lawn are free of debris and clutter before the first big snowfall of the year comes along. Proper lawn maintenance in preparation for winter snow would include raking the leaves, removing sticks, and disposing of any other type of debris that just doesn't belong on your lawns.

Even if you are not expecting much in the way of snowfall, it is still important to be sure that the grass isn't left under piles of leaves or other rubbish that can interfere with the grass receiving proper moisture, nutrients and air. While the growth of grass often comes to a halt in the late fall, it can still die if it is buried under any kind of yard debris.

Most people plan their lawn care strategy under the false assumption that the most important time to attack weeds is during the summer. But, the fact of the matter is that this premise is wrong. In fact, while the grass is mostly dormant during the winter, the weeds are still growing and if they are left unchecked during this time, then they could overtake the lawn and leave you with a yard that is in pretty bad shape.

Fortunately, because your grass will be growing so slowly during the fall and winter months, it is rather easy to spot the progress of the weeds during this time. Just make sure that you give a bit of attention to your lawn during these months and get those weeds pulled, or apply weed killer, so that they don't overrun the lawns and ruin the look of your landscape design.

If you like the look of a think, full lawn even through the wintertime, then it is a good idea to plant rye grass, bluegrass or other types of northern grasses which all tend to be heartier and will endure through the colder months of winter. One of the lawn care advantages of using rye grass in your lawns is that it grows well mixed with your current grass and will make your lawn look fuller and lusher. However, the rye grass will actually die off and your regular grass will take over as it comes to life in the spring.

The winter grasses, like rye, will grow best if you plant them around the middle to the end of October. If you plant in the fall, then you will still need to be sure that your new grass gets sufficient water. If you have a week of dry weather, then you will want to be sure that you water so that the rye gets one to two inches of water every week. Just taking these few simple steps in lawn care should help you enjoy a more lush and healthy lawn that will be a standout in the summer.

No building is complete without some grass, a few plants and some shrubbery to help enhance the quality of the building. The enhanced curb appeal as well as the added value can make the final difference when selling a home or adding to the over all value of the house. Any small amounts help and you don't have to always use a professional to complete the landscaping for you. There is no downside to get some advice from professionals or some knowledge prior to you beginning tearing up your front yard. Some trees, some pleasant green grass, and you will get it down pat before you know it Who knows? Maybe you will decide it as a career that you may be interested in following. Below there are some basic frequently asked questions of landscaping so that you can get some idea of how landscaping is completed and how it might be simpler than you may think.


Is it possible to do my own landscaping?

Yes, you can do your own landscaping if you have a small amount of information on how to get it done and if have the time to do so. You will be getting your hands dirty. Plus you will need to have knowledge of what plants are the best for your terrain. If you are creating structures that are man-made such as decks or ponds, you will have to have some carpentry as well as plumbing skills. You will also need to know how to maintain the pond because the last thing you need after putting in all that work is to develop a body of water inundated with algae as well as moquito larvae.


If I am resolved to landscape my home myself, what are the various designs as well as conceptions to help me?

There are many software programs out on the market at present that can assist you create your own landscape. You will have to input the unique size of your yard and then choose from the type of terrain and climate you live in. The software can provide you with the recommended plants as well as shrubbery that is best fitted for your yard. If you wish to have manmade terrains or structures, you will want to confer a carpenter for ideas or a do-it-yourself website for directions.


How do I decide which type to plant?

The type of plant you choose will depend on your climate and how much you want to water. It will also depend on the amount of sun that your gets throughout the day. Some plants thrive in the shade when others will wilt. For those people who live in areas that are prone to drought, they should consider planting hardy plants which need small amounts of water and really help maintain the soil from erosion. Many people choose to have rock gardens as well as cactus if they happen to live in desert climates.


When is the ideal planting season?

The ideal planting season depends on what type of plant you wish to grow. Bulbs are best planted in the fall so that they have time to root within the soil. Other plants are best suited to planting in the months of the spring. Some plants will not produce flowers or fruits for one or two seasons later so you need to prepare for this. Trees will have to work through several years prior to them becoming large enough to provide the right amount of shade or create fruit.


Will do this type of landscaping add to the value of my home as well as it's curb appeal?

A great lawn can add tremendous curb appeal and value to your home. It will make the features of your home stand out and if you are looking to sell your home, it is one of the first details that potential buyers will notice. For adding a high degree of instant value to your home there isn't anything comparable to a well maintained lawn that is carefully maintained.

For much more informational value go to this online destination: How To Landscape similarly Commercial Landscaping Contractor also click here Pool Landscaping

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Beautify Your Landscaping Through Garden Landscape Furniture

How to Pick Garden Decorations - How to Add Garden Furniture

One very important part of most landscape designs is the garden furniture that is used in the garden and lawn areas around the home. Including outdoor furnishings in a landscaping plan is a terrific way to create special places in your garden where the family and your guests can gather comfortably, to relax and enjoy the beauty of the surroundings. In addition, the outdoor furnishings will make people feel drawn to special sitting areas so they will be more inclined to make use of and appreciate your landscaping efforts.

A good landscape design not only creates beautiful surroundings, but the most beneficial landscaping concepts carve out additional living space that extends the effective square footage of a home. Depending on the size of your land and the actual design of the landscape, these outdoor living spaces can sometimes double the area people have for gatherings of friends and family. The seating arrangements make a huge difference in how well these spaces are ultimately used and how you guests will enjoy your efforts at entertaining out of doors.

There is a wide array of furniture that is made specifically for use in outdoor areas. There are styles that range from formal and elegant to relaxed and comfortable. Many different materials are used in making the frames of outdoor furnishings and also for the cushions and coverings that are used to make them comfortable and inviting.

When selecting garden furnishings, some people like to choose styles, colors and textures that blend in and reflect the overall design of the landscaping around their home. This approach tends to create a harmonious blend that helps people relax and feel more drawn into the garden surroundings. Greens, browns and the more muted tones of nature are popular for those who like to create a gentle flow between their garden design and the furnishings they add.

Other homeowners enjoy furnishings for the garden that pop out and get attention. Often the colors are bright and the designs are bold and not meant to blend into the natural background. The pieces usually have an artistic feel and are meant to make a statement and sometimes reflect the personality of the homeowner. These kinds of choices in outdoor furnishings will create a lively atmosphere for fun and frivolity.

Another approach that some people take for their outdoor living spaces is to make you feel as though the patio or the garden you have just stepped into is simply a continuation of the interior living space. This is achieved by choosing styles, colors and fabrics that very closely emulate the furnishings inside the house. Many people like this approach as it can trick the eye and make both the home and garden spaces seem larger as they flow together seamlessly.

In addition to choosing the right garden furniture that reflects your tastes and personality, remember that your garden living space will not be complete without landscape lighting. Good lighting for the lawn and garden areas will help ensure that you can enjoy your outdoor space long into a beautiful summers evening and that your guests will be safe and comfortable as well.

No building is complete without some grass, a few plants and some shrubbery to help enhance the quality of the building. The added value of curb appeal can make the difference when selling a house or increasing the value of a home. Any small amounts help and you don't have to always use a professional to complete the landscaping for you. There is no downside to get some advice from professionals or some knowledge prior to you beginning tearing up your front yard. Some trees, some pleasant green grass, and you will get it down pat before you know it Who knows? Maybe you will decide it as a line of work that you may be interested in following. The following are some of the frequently asked question people have for landscaping so that you can have an idea of how landscaping is done and how it can be easier than you might think.


At what point should I hire a landscaper?

You should employ a landscaper if you do not have a a special ability to make plants grow and you are not going to have the necessary time to commit to removing the old landscape and planting the new. There are certain steps that must be put into place to stop the erosion of soil so it will require at least a weekend of difficult work. Landscaper's are not low cost but you can find one at a reasonable price contingent upon on how large the area is and how much labor you intend to do yourself. If you are going to upkeep the area, you will save money as well.


If I decide to do the landscaping of my house myself, what are some designs and ideas to assist me?

There are numerous software programs that are on the market at present that can help you create your own landscape. You will have to input the shape of your yard and then choose from the kind of terrain and environmental condition you live in. The software can provide you with the recommended plants as well as shrubbery that is best fitted for your yard. If you want terrains that are man made or structures, you will wish to contact a carpenter for suggestions or a do-it-yourself website on the internet for instructions.


How do I decide which type to plant?

The type of plant you select will be contingent upon on your climate and the amount of water you want to use. It will also depend on the amount of sun that your gets throughout the day. Some plants flourush in the shade while others will wilt. For those individuals who reside in drought prone areas, they should consider planting hardy plants which need small amounts of water and actually help preserve the soil from erosion. Many individuals choose to have rock gardens as well as cactus if they live in desert climates.


At what time is the ideal season for planting?

The ideal planting season is dependent upon what kind of plant you want to grow. The best time to plany bulbs is in the fall so that they have the necessary time to root. Other types of plants are best suited to planting during the spring months. There are some plants will not produce flowers or fruits for at least one or two seasons later so you need to prepare for this. Trees will need to go through several years before they become big enough to provide enough shade or produce fruit.


Will do this type of landscaping add to the value of my home as well as it's curb appeal?

A great lawn can add tremendous curb appeal and value to your home. It will make the features of your home stand out and if you are looking to sell your home, it is one of the first details that potential buyers will notice. For adding a high degree of instant value to your home there isn't anything comparable to a well maintained lawn that is carefully maintained.

For additional helpful knowledge click here Landscaping Plants with more helpful material at How To Landscape also head on over to Landscaping With Rocks

Friday, December 12, 2008

Help To Spruce Up Your Home and Increase It's Value Using Design Landscaping

Landscaping Ideas and Tips : Adding Mosaic Stone Interest Pieces to your Landscape Design

The design landscaping that surrounds your home is one of the first things that people will notice when they arrive at your property. The landscape design that you select will create the atmosphere that envelopes your home and garden and can embrace people with welcoming warmth. Landscaping around your home and yard will also have a significant impact on the overall value of your property.

There are many ways that you can improve the landscaping around your home. Some people worry that to improve their landscape design properly, they need to hire landscape architects or landscape contractors. This can be wonderful if you can afford it, but many people very successfully undertake the landscaping design for their homes on their own.

If you would rather do your design landscaping yourself rather than hiring a professional, then the first step is to learn the basics of landscape design. Good design is actually quite simple if you know and follow the four following principles. Combine these landscaping principles with your own tastes and preferences and you will quickly be able to create a plan for your home and garden exteriors that will be a reflection of you.

The first element of landscaping is the concept of balance. If you concentrate most of your new plants in one area, then the rest of your garden landscaping area will look rather neglected. Distribute the plants around the yard or the garden at least somewhat evenly and with a sense of flow. This will help draw the eye though the entire landscape design and engage your visitors.

The second aspect of great landscaping is proportion. The idea here is to make sure that any landscape design feature you choose fits in appropriately, in terms of size, to the surrounding areas, fixtures and structures. Trying to wedge an huge gazebo into a tiny back yard will end up looking almost comical, and will not provide a great effect. At the same time, if you have an enormous front lawn, then you will need to add larger elements in plantings or features that will be noticed and not overwhelmed.

Transition is the third principle you need to know for your landscaping project and is closely related to proportion. Even though your landscape design can include flowers, plants, large shrubs, bushes and even trees, the way to make them really work together in a beautiful way is with the use of transition. It is the smooth flow from one type and size of plant to another. You want to lead the eye from delicate plants to larger ones with some in-between sizes. Color transitions can also be a very effective aspect of your overall landscaping design plan.

The last of the four concepts of landscaping is unity and it is the ultimate sense that you are trying to express with your design. All of the choices that you make in how you balance, proportion, and transition the various colors, sizes and textures of your landscape elements should be governed by a unifying theme. This is what brings the landscape design together to work in harmony and create a spectacular home and garden.

One thing that can make design landscaping easy and also cohesive is to decide on a theme and then be sure to stay true to that theme. Having an idea can help make decisions easier when it comes time to add plants, furnishings, or accent pieces to your landscape.

No realestate is finished without some type of grass, as well as some forms of shruberry to help enhance the overall quality of the building. The added value of curb appeal can make the difference when selling a house or increasing the value of a home. Any small amounts help and you don't have to always use a professional to complete the landscaping for you. It never hurts to have some professional advice or a little bit of knowledge before you start ripping up your front yard, though. Some trees, some pleasant green grass, and you will get it down pat before you know it Who knows? Maybe you will decide it as a career that you may be interested in following. The following are some of the frequently asked question people have for landscaping so that you can have an idea of how landscaping is done and how it can be easier than you might think.

Can I do my own landscaping?

Yes, you can do your own landscaping if you have a small amount of information on how to do it and if have the time to do so. You will be getting your hands dirty. Plus you will need to have knowledge of what plants are the best for your terrain. If you are producing man-made structures for instance ponds or decks, you will have to have some carpentry as well as plumbing skills. You will also need to know how to maintain the pond since one of the last things you need after putting in all that work is to produce a body of water loaded with algae as well as moquito larvae.

What qualifications should I look for in a superior landscaper?

An established landscaper will have a photography album of all the various landscape that he or she has completed. The typically will have a background with an training in landscape architecture or have plenty of actual education in landscaping. If you want to see an actual landscape they have designed and planted, the landscaper shouldn't balk at showing you or furnishing for you with the particulars to contact the owner of the property. It is in their best interest to have content and satisfied clients.

How do I decide which type to plant?

The type of plant you choose will be contingent upon on your climate and how much you want to water. It will also depend on the amount of sun that your gets during the day. Some plants flourush in the shade while others will wilt. For those people who reside in drought prone areas, they should consider planting hardy plants which need little water and really help conserve the soil from process of erosion. Many people choose to have rock gardens as well as cactus if they live in desert environments.

When is the ideal planting season?

The ideal planting season depends on what type of plant you want to grow. The best time to plany bulbs is in the fall so that they have the necessary time to root within the soil. Other types of plants are best suited to planting in the months of the spring. Some plants will not produce flowers or fruits until one or two seasons later so you need to get ready for this. Trees will have to go through several years prior to them becoming large enough to furnish adequate shade or produce fruit.

How can I protect my newly planted greenery and flowers from the weather and elements?

At the time of the beginning weeks and months many plants are in danger of dying because of the atmospheric condition however you can take steps to help prevent this from happening. Two of the greatest threats are the rain as well as the wind. To guard your plants from both you will need to provide them with shelter. You can lay down a a barrier to protect between the plant and the ground. This will help secure the plant's roots and preclude excess amounts of from soaking into the earth. The added benefit would be prevention of weeds from growing up through the barrier. To prevent wind erosion of the soil, spread hay or straw in the area of the plants to assist in protecting the soil. If you put a protective bag around the plant that will keep the plant warm enough to prevent frost.

To learn more educational knowledge go here Outdoor Landscape Lighting as well as Landscape Drawings also head on over to Solar Landscape Lighting

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Synthetic Grass Tennis Court Maintenance

Traditionally, the ultimate tennis court surface has been grass but maintaining a turf court requires an enormous amount of work and money. These grass courts are being replaced by a variety of new surfaces that prove to be more hard-wearing and require less work.

One of these newer types of tennis court surfaces is made from synthetic grass containing a silicon-based infill. This surface is commonly referred to as a sand filled artificial grass surface.

Sand filled artificial grass tennis courts aim to replicate traditional grass courts in look and clay courts in feel, but they are much more hard-wearing and require much less maintenance to keep them looking good. This doesn’t mean that they are maintenance free. In fact, there are some important measures that must be taken to ensure your artificial grass tennis court is at its best.

Before we even mention the maintenance that will be needed from a professional service, there is an important regular task that should be performed. Using a product such as a Cleansweep on a daily to weekly basis will enable you to quickly remove surface debris. Removing debris is important because when organic matter is lodged into the pile of the artificial grass it increases the chance of algae and moss taking hold. Using a product like a Cleansweep to remove this debris will only take 10 minutes per court and will ensure playing conditions are maintained for longer.

Because the surface is sand filled it will continually get compacted by foot traffic and the weather. The sand infill is designed to stabilize the surface and enable the grass tufts to stand upright and this ceases to happen as it becomes more compacted. As the sand becomes more compacted the surface will get harder and the footing will be more unpredictable.

So each year you may need to call in the professionals who specialize in refurbishing sand filled artificial grass tennis courts. Some of the maintenance steps that may be required include: high-pressure wash with water, decompacting the sand infill by power brushing, lift and condition the grass fibers, sand level adjustment, sand grooming, moss and algae spraying, replacement of synthetic grass if parts have worn or torn, seam repair, replacing sand infill.

One of the simplest measures of keeping your synthetic grass court at its best is to practice preventative maintenance. What this means is to try to prevent people from entering the court with overly dirty shoes. This may simply consist of putting a mat at the gate or making brushes available to clean the shoes quickly. The cleaner the shoes that walk on the court, the less debris gets trapped in the grass weave.

While a tennis court made from artificial grass requires less maintenance, to keep the surface looking good, playing well and providing reliable footing, a regular spruce up is a must. The life of your tennis court surface will be prolonged by giving it the proper care and attention.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ideas To Enhance Your Landscaping

If you have an interest in improving the landscaping that surrounds your home but you are at a loss for knowing just where to start, then you can easily find numerous inspiring examples. It could be as simple as driving around a neighborhood you like and stopping to take a picture of a landscape design that appeals to you. You might even knock on the door and see if the owners will tell you if they used professional or did it themselves.

You can also get many ideas from the numerous books and magazines that are published on the topic of landscapes and design. And, these days there are many resources available online for designing and embellishing the landscape around your home. Many of these websites even offer sample landscape design plans, pictures of various ideas, tips from the experts for do-it-yourselfers, and contact information for professional landscape designers in your area.

Sun decks and garden patios are popular elements featured in landscaping plans. They are very popular because they not only create a wonderful focal point for a landscape design, but they provide additional space and functionality to the home.

Patios and decks give you a wonderful place to host family gatherings and other types of entertainment. At the same time, a small patio can be added to a special garden area to create a place to get away to relax and be refreshed by the beauty of the natural surroundings. Adding decks and patios, or making improvements to existing ones, is also a great way to add value to your home and increase your equity.

More and more often, fountains are becoming features of home and garden landscaping. There are the traditional, multi-tiered fountains that are reminiscent of country estates and European villas and which can bring old world charm to your surroundings. There are also the more modern fountains that utilize unique rocks and stones or huge ceramic pots which are becoming very popular in some types of landscape architecture. Of course there are many other beautiful and creative styles available to meet any taste and style.

Rock gardens are becoming quite popular as well. These have the benefit of being very attractive, but they generally incorporate very few, if any, plants. This makes them very low maintenance as they require either no watering, or very little, virtually no weeding, and in general need almost no attention, except to sit back and admire how your rock garden adds to your overall landscape design.

Emulating an English cottage garden is another popular inspiration for many home and garden settings. Such gardens are particularly noted for their overall lack of a formal plan. There is very little rigidity in design with English cottage gardens because the whole concept behind them is to let the plants "just grow" and develop in a more natural, or organic, way. These gardens have a certain special charm to them and often make people feel more relaxed and embraced by nature.

Lush green lawns are probably the most common and largest element of the majority of landscaping design plans. A beautiful lawn is popular because it gives the homeowners a place where the family can enjoy many different activities. Lawns are also one of the easiest of landscape elements to take care of and they stay beautiful for many years with simple maintenance routines.

No building is complete without some grass, a few plants and some shrubbery to help enhance the quality of the building. The enhanced curb appeal as well as the added value can make the final difference when selling a home or adding to the over all value of the house. Any small amounts help and you don't have to always use a professional to complete the landscaping for you. There is no downside to get some advice from professionals or some knowledge prior to you beginning tearing up your front yard. A few trees, some nice green grass and you will have it down pat before you know it. Who knows? Maybe you will consider it as a career that you might be interested in following. The following are some of the frequently asked question people have for landscaping so that you can have an idea of how landscaping is done and how it can be easier than you might think.


What is landscaping?

Landscaping is any alteration to the land. It can be through a variety of means. It might be through the use of plant life. It could be through the use of fauna. There are different methods of landscaping and the kinds of landscaping used many times are dependent on what type of climate the area is located. Landscaping also refers to natural structures and manmade structures such as terraces, decks, platforms and seating areas. Ponds and waterfalls can be natural or manmade depending on the terrain. So that you can save money numerous people choose to take advantage of as many of the natural features of the area as possible.


If I decide to landscape my home myself, what are some designs and ideas to help me?

There are numerous software programs that are on the market at present that can assist you design your own landscape. You will have to input the shape of your yard and then pick from the kind of terrain and environmental condition you live in. The software can provide you with the recommended plants as well as shrubbery that is best suited for your yard. If you wish to have manmade terrains or structures, you will want to consult a carpenter for ideas or a do-it-yourself website on the internet for instructions.


How do I decide which type to plant?

The kind of plant you select will depend on your environmental condition and how much you want to water. It will also depend on how much sun your yard gets throughout the day. Some plants thrive in the shade while others will wilt. For those individuals who live in areas that are prone to drought, they should consider planting plants that are hardy which require small amounts of water and actually help to maintain the soil from erosion. Many individuals elect to have rock gardens as well as cactus if they happen to live in desert climates.


When is the ideal planting season?

The ideal planting season depends on what type of plant you wish to grow. The best time to plany bulbs is in the fall so that they have the necessary time to root within the soil. Other plants are best suited to planting during the spring months. There are some plants will not produce flowers or fruits for one or two seasons later so you need to prepare for this. Trees will need to go through several years before they become big enough to provide adequate shade or to create fruit.


Will it increase the value and curb appeal of my home?

A well designed and a great looking lawn can provide excellent curb appeal as well as higher value to your home. It will make the features of your home stand out and if you are looking to sell your home, it is one of the first details that potential buyers will notice. There is nothing quite like a well manicured lawn and carefully trimmed hedges that add immense immediate value to a property.

For a great deal more informational value go to this online destination: Outdoor Landscape Lighting also Landscape Drainage also head on over to Landscaping Around Trees

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Drip Irrigation Supplies : Planning Watering Technique for Garden Lawn

Making a proper choice of irrigation method plays an important role in keeping garden green and healthy. For the hindrance of the growth of vegetation, over-water supply or insufficient supply of water both are responsible .

The size of your garden and the types of your garden plants and vegetation normally determine what kind of irrigation supplies you will need to prepare your irrigation system. If you have confusion in selecting right watering method, consult a gardener who is efficient in this area. You can even browse through internet for getting appropriate information.

Drip Irrigation

As water is precious, one can not afford to overuse water aimlessly. Suppose diverse types of plantation in your garden, then drip irrigation can help you in supplying water to the root level of your vegetation. This method of irrigation drips water uniformly making use of emitters.

It prevents water from getting evaporated that is one of the most remarkable benefits of this irrigation method . This offers a reduced level of water usage. It also helps in water conservation. Drip irrigation system can become an effective watering method that can help you save your time that goes behind your manual process of watering with a water pipe.


Drip irrigation technique is not suitable for covering the entire range of your garden lawn. If you wish to water your lawn in best way, use sprinkler. The overhead and lawn sprinklers are most popular forms of irrigation these days since they are easy to install them and maintain them.

Sprinklers throw water arbitrarily over the lawn area with pipes . Water is thus sprayed in small drops to water your targeted area. Install the finest sprinkler system in your garden and conserve water.

Advanced types of automatic lawn sprinklers are there for you for easy function. You can adjust them as you wish keeping in mind the level of moisture in the soil and your watering needs. You can adjust drip irrigation according to what your necessity is.

Tips for Lawn Sprinkler System Installation

Build a sprinkler system by following few steps that needed. Firstly, get hold of Spray Pop-ups which are helpful in regulating the spray direction.They also involve an inlet that is clog free .

After that, you can use Swing Joints to simplify your pop-up installation. They flexibility and have leak tight swivel joints. Therefore, you can have easy installation of pop-up in different areas. You can brace it from outer impact.

For maintaining your lawn and garden, Floppy Sprinklers are used these days. Because they are light weighted, you can place them on an aluminum stand for water distribution task.

Finally, for quick assembling and removal of a floppy sprinkler, use couplers. They are made up of plastic supporting the resistance from weather and chemical.

The entire installation process for irrigation system suitable to irrigation needs and its proper use will give you huge benefits.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Artificial Grass has Environmental Advantages

People are thinking of ways to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle - the ways to do so are limitless.There are many aspects in your life where changes are possible that will have a beneficial impact on our planet.

There are many ways we can improve our carbon emissions output because virtually each choice we make in our daily life has some type of impact on our carbon footprint.

A possible area of change may be in your own backyard, literally. If you're like the majority of homeowners, the lawn in your yard will be made of some kind of living grass.

Much research and development has been reserved for synthetic grass technology, particularly in the area of simulating the look and feel of the fake turf. These days it is getting increasingly difficult to detect the synthetic grass compared to real turf.

Think of all of these factors that go into maintaining a healthy, green lawn:
- Lawns require herbicides, fertilizers and pesticides.
- Regular watering is required to keep grass looking good.
- Lawn needs regular cutting with the lawnmower..
- The cost involved with keeping a lawn looking good is high..

Now replacing your lawn with a synthetic grass equal addresses each of these environmental matters. Adding chemicals into the soil will have a cumulative effect on the ecosystem with the chemicals leeching away into our water systems. In drought afflicted areas, using it to water our grass is essentially a waste of valuable resources.

An alternative worth considering, for the sake of the environment, first and foremost and then for your hip pocket in the long run is replacing the labour intensive grass lawn with a synthetic lawn.

If you live in areas where drought has been a big issue, water restrictions are a regular occurrence. The very last priority during such critical times is the lawn which quickly goes brown and dies off. In extreme circumstances the grass disappears forever and you're left living in a house surrounded by a dust bowl.

Another factor to take into consideration is the elderly. As you get older your ability to maintain the lawn will drop off so too might your access to money to pay for the upkeep. The answer could very well be to replace the grass with artificial grass.

Synthetic turf comes with many advantages such as maintenance time is reduced, the need for watering is removed, heavy traffic won't affect the ground, it's visually appealing all year round and it's better for the environment because it removes the need for a lawnmower and chemical application.

During the height of summer the grass will need cutting weekly as the lawn takes off and grows like at no other time. Running the lawnmower every week is just another source of carbon being added to the atmosphere, no matter whether you own a petrol powered lawnmower or an electric lawnmower.

Synthetic grass will benefit the environment at an increasing rate over time, too, with every second the lawnmower hasn't had to run, every drop of water saved and every atom of chemical that hasn't been used. It's a win for the environment and the world is that much better off.

Long-term monetary savings are the bonus that will provide the added incentive to agree that synthetic grass is a worthwhile alternative. This should just be a starting point for you as you learn more about the positive aspects of artificial grass.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Selecting the Right Landscaping Plants or Trees for Your Garden

Any garden, regardless of its size, shape or terrain, can be spruced up by adding some landscaping plants or trees. Planting shrubs and flowers along a garden path or around a tree won't necessarily score you huge landscaping points. There will always be right and wrong plants for your garden, and you will easily learn the difference after a period of time.

The selection of landscaping plants or trees for your garden will be determined by your desired look, feel and purpose of your yard. Most homeowners design their yards with aesthetics in mind, while others put a higher priority on privacy. Whatever you decide it will improve your property value, so it is worth researching for other landscaping and gardening ideas.

For the latter, a decorative vine like the ivy is one of the best plant choices. All you have to do is provide it with something to crawl up on and within a few weeks, you will have your own natural wall that will not only screen your house from curious eyes, but add to the aesthetic beauty of your property as well.

Before you decide to buy and cultivate an ivy vine, remember it may require a little time and effort for its training. In the beginning, a young ivy plant is naturally small and it may look very tame. Before long, the vine will be several feet tall and crawling in all directions. If not constantly pruned and attended to, an ivy vine will usually crawl and attach itself to places other than where you intended for it to go.

For the purposes of beautifying your home and garden, the universal choice is flowers for landscaping plants. Flowers are a beautiful addition as they are available in all colors, designs and sizes. The most important factor when making your decision is the climate or season they will have to endure. Many flowers flourish in mild weather, but there are other varieties that prefer the colder, shadier places of the garden.

Hardy plants and flowers are the most recommended options as landscaping plants for places that have four seasons, because they will be able to withstand the harsh changes in the weather. These landscaping plants do not require that much special treatment.

Landscaping may sound very simple, and it actually is, as long as you have all the necessary knowledge and tools to do the job. If you need any help, you can always search for answers or ideas in gardening websites and magazines. You can even inquire at your local garden supply shop for tips and tricks of the trade, including which landscaping plants or trees to use.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ideas For Landscaping Your Backyard

One of the good ideas you can use for landscaping your backyard is to make use of evergreens.  They can make your space look warm and inviting yet also grand. Many people like to use deciduous trees in the yard and this is always a good idea but it is the evergreens that will give the yard the structure and the stability that it needs for a good backyard landscaping idea and design.  Hopefully you will find these ideas for your garden useful.

You need to look for a backyard landscaping idea like the one above that will benefit you all year round.  The key to any great landscaping design is to find a backyard landscaping idea like this that will keep your yard interesting no matter what time of the year it is.

Another good backyard landscaping idea is to use hardscape. This is the use of things like rocks, fences and walls. These can make your yard look very interesting during all of the seasons. You can have climbing plants on it in the summer and spring and pretty trees around it that will look great in the winter. When looking for a good backyard landscaping idea you need to look for other options besides just plants. There is much more to landscaping than just plants and trees.

In addition to soft and hard landscaping there is also the lighting to be considered.  There are so many different types of outdoor lighting and some of them are for sheer beauty whilst others are for security purposes.  Both and very important and should also think about how they are going to be powered.  Many people are quickly realizing the benefits of using solar power for the environmental and practical reasons.  The patio is also an important part of your garden and you will want to remember to light it well so that you enjoy it even when night falls.  Also, click here if you are looking for ornamental fence ideas.

A good backyard landscaping idea is one that everyone can make use of. There are many different backyard landscaping ideas and most of them are pretty good but to find the one that is right for you and that is just what your yard needs may take some reading. Hopefully you'll be able to find something that just ticks all the right boxes for you and you'll be delighted with the outcome.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Landscaping Ideas For the Yard and Garden

Landscaping Ideas Video

For those of us who are lucky enough to have an outdoor area of our very own, properly landscaping this area can create a living environment that can be enjoyed and rewarding for years to come. Whether you have a large yard or even just a small piece of yard off a backyard patio, the options for landscaping are endless. But before you head out to the local home and garden market for shrubbery and lawn enhancements, you should examine exactly what type of landscaping ideas you wish to implement and the maintenance factor that will come with your new yard.

Take your time and plan out your yard.  Look online for ideas and visit your local home improvement center.  Maybe you have been to a friend's home and liked what they had done.  Something as easy as painting the fence and adding a few flowers can do wonders and just take a day.

Measure the space you want to redesign.  Put the dimensions on paper.  Include the part of your house facing the yard with doors and windows noted.  Layout where you would like to have a garden or play area or possibly a water feature.

Yes, you can install a water feature in just one weekend and with minimal cost if you are willing to do a little digging and move a few large rocks into place.  Have a barbecue and invite a few of your friends over to help.  There are pond and waterfall kits available that are easy to install.

Do a little research on the types of plants that will do well in your area.  If you live in the Southwest you will probably not plant the same flowers and trees that do well in the Pacific Northwest or on the East coast.  The local nursery would be a great source of advice and will have in stock most of the plants you may want.

If your goal is to create something visual attractive with not much upkeep involved plant for all seasons.  Get an assortment of evergreen shrubs and trees that look good all year.  Mix in a few seasonal plants also.  Ones that bare fruit in the spring and change color in the fall.

The key to landscaping is to not be afraid to try something new.  Not all yards need to have a grassy area.  Grass is so high maintenance.  Try using different types of rock and paver for pathways and sitting areas.  The visual interest will be heightened with plants of different sizes, shapes and colors.

Just because you are not an expert gardener does not mean you cannot plan out beautiful and easy landscaping ideas for the yard and garden.  You will build your confidence, as well as your muscles, when you have completed your backyard project.

More info on landscaping can be found hereTransplanting Flowers

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Take Care When Transplanting Plants

Transplanting Plants Takes Care

You may have a plant that has outgrown its current residence or you may need to thin out another, whatever the reason for transplanting plants, care needs to be taken.  For the best results care of the root system is adamant.

In the very early spring, when plants have just barely begun to show some signs of new life, is the best time to transplant.  The new plantings can get a good start while the weather is still cool and they can be watered by spring rains.

Entry Plants and Backyard Patio Plants

Remember, front and backyard plants will become dormant during the fall when the weather goes through a hard freeze.  Perennials will stay dormant in the ground until spring.  You want to make sure the leaves are not open and out, a sign that transplanting plants is too late.  However, if there are green and swollen buds that have not changed into actual leaves, then transplanting is fine.

One of the most important tips associated with transplanting plants is to make sure you have the new location prepared before you dig the plants, shrubs, or trees up.  The longer the plants are out of the ground without being replanted the more chance of them dying.  Therefore, with the soil ready to receive the new front or backyard plants, you then look at the roots to make sure there are no air pockets.  Instead, dig up the plants to be moved so you actually take the roots with a ball of dirt to move to the new hole.

To have good growth from a transplant, the stem should be about 1/12 of the root size.  The larger the root the more chance you will have a healthy plant transplant.

To aid in the root growth of your new transplant, prune a small amount of the roots before planting.  The cut ends will be able to take in nutrients from the new soil and new roots will sprout from the cut ends produce new growth in the stem system above ground.

Starting Rock Plants from Transplants

Rock plants that have been planted to fill in the spaces between the rocks on a garden retaining grow mostly in a mossy type soil.  They seem to do well when transplanted as long as they receive the same amount of water, drainage and are planted in the same type of soil.

To get more info on landscaping go to Landscape Designs for Aroma Gardens